Is the Sun Alive?
[Idea Needs More Discussion/Research]
We start by asking; how could it be possible that the Sun, which gives all Life to our planet, could be dead? So lets apply the definition of Life as the Balance of the Great Elements.
First off, the Sun does have a Body. It is big, heavy, and massive, so that’s pretty simple.
Second the Sun does not have Liquid Water, but it does flow and move much like liquid water does. If you look at the surface of the Sun, it is flowing, bubbling, and churning in an amazing pattern you see in heated water. This liquid flowing seems to meet the basic need.
Next, the Sun is definitely Plasma, and is fire, and has a huge electromagnetic field, that is the easiest one to prove.
Yet the hardest is weather the sun has Breath. We know the Sun creates a Solar Wind, but does it have any wind itself? Yet there is proof that the sun not only breaths, but sings. Stanford University Scientists discovered that “The Sun’s acoustical waves bounce from one side of the Sun to the other in about two hours, causing the Sun’s surface to oscillate, or wiggle up and down.” Yes the Sun’s surface actually pulsates up and down, this is the essence of breath.
Are they in balance with each other? Yes indeed they are, and not only are they in balance, they are so tuned that the sun will be able to last billions of years.
In Conclusion, under the definition of Life as the Balance of the Great Elements, the Sun is Alive! Although we don’t fully understand the liquid flow or breath of the sun, it is obvious that it has at least a minimal amount of each of the Great Elements, but over time we will learn more.